Thursday, April 10, 2008

Some Reassurance

Okay, so my nurse never returned my phone call so I called her again this morning. She happened to answer the phone this time though. I told her I was a little concerned about the e2 level being high. I told her what I read on the internet (because you know if you read it on the internet it must be true.) Here is basically what she told me:

* I have PCOS so I have an abundance of follicles so I don’t need to worry about diminishing ovarian reserve.

* They would definitely tell me if I got a bad test result, meaning something to worry about.

* Some people need to be on Lupron longer than others. She thinks that because my lining was still shedding (I still had a very heavy flow up until yesterday) that it was the reason for the higher e2 levels. She said uterine lining can raise the estrogen levels.

* If I go back on Friday and my e2 is still too high they may either increase my Lupron or just have me do the Lupron for a few more days, BUT this is not something that will cause them to cancel my cycle, we will just have to delay it until however long my body takes.

So, with that being said I feel much better. I just have to convince myself not to be too upset if it is still a little high on Friday. So wish me luck tomorrow! Also, we are leaving for Gettysburg tomorrow for a much needed and much deserved mini-vacation rain or no rain.


Meghan said...

whew...glad you got some answers. Have a great (rain-free) weekend!

AwkwardMoments said...

I am glad that your nurse answered your questions/concerns. Whoo for mini-vacations! you deserve that!!!!

Good luck with your results tomorrow. Thinking of you

AwkwardMoments said...
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sara said...

Just wanted to say good luck and I'll send some good thoughts your way :-)