Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Loopy Lupron

Well, as the title indicates I have now entered the realm of Lupron induced craziness. Yesterday I had terrible mood swings. I was so emotional and just feeling awful. I haven't been sleeping well and I think that, in addition to all of the stress lately, PMS, and the Lupron made for one emotional and just downright insane woman last night. God bless my sweet Dh who just rubbed my feet and tried to get me to take a nap. I really don't know how I would get through this without him. I am feeling much better today but although I took a sleeping pill before bed last night I still don't feel like I slept well. I am also feeling a bit overwhelmed by the comments of people in our lives about the death of Dh's grandfather and "new life." You know the ones, when someone dies everyone says that maybe a new life will come soon. I want to believe that, I honestly do. I want to believe that "Pop" is going to go up there and tell God that we are ready for our miracle baby. I'm not saying it is not going to happen, but it could also not happen too.

Anyway, lets get to the real reason you are here reading this entry. I had my Lupron evaluation this morning. It is basically to make sure that the Lupron has done its job and suppressed my ovaries (ie. no big cysts.) My lining is thin, I think she said it was at a 6, and my ovaries are nice and suppressed. In fact, they almost didn't look polycystic at all today. I could hardly see the antral follicles they were so small. So lets hope I am not over suppressed! So, as long as my E2 is nice and low I will start my stims tonight. I will be doing 150 units of Follistim and 75 units of menopur every night and I will be dropping my Lupron down to 5 units starting tomorrow morning. So Dh will get to stick me 3 times which he is thrilled about. So, I have met my first goal for this cycle which was to pass my suppression check. My next goal is to notice some sort of follicle growth on my next u/s which is on Friday morning. Wish me luck!


AwkwardMoments said...

I am sorry family is plaguing you with unwanted interjections.

I am glad that hubster is rubbing yuour feet- good man - kep him a lil longer!

"they almost didn't look polycystic at all today"- GO Ovaries - that is excellent news!

sending you warm thoughts and prayers!

CJ said...

Good Luck!! I am starting Lupron tonight. First shot! All by myself. My DH has a phobia of needles. I may be on my own for evertying except the HCG. Man, I am not ready for mood swings and sleepless nights, but I'll do it!

Good luck to you again!

Anonymous said...

My girlfriend just started Lupron, pills though, and it is driving us both crazy! She's very moody, goes from happy to sad to mad in a matter of seconds, and can't eat, then gets mad/depressed when I don't take her to eat (after driving around an hour trying to find something she'll like). I really don't know what to do for her, any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

I was born without a uterus. My husband's cousin wanted to be our surrogant. So went began to see an RE. When I first saw the RE she draw a lot of blood from all of us. The RE did a sonogram everytime we visited the office. The RE had to prepare my surrogant's uterus and prepare my ovaries to ovulate. So after about a month of she gave both of us our first shot of Lupron. Than two weeks later we got more Lupron. Than two after the RE began us on Follistim, aspirin, prenatals and something else. My first sonogram the RE said I was still suppressed from the Lupron. Three days later my next sonogram I was to gasy for the RE to see anything. Yesterday the RE found no respones to all the drugs. She told me this happens. I want to know if the RE over suppressed me. I want to know why she wants to put me on estrogen for a couple of months instead if giving me CCCT test to see if there's something wrong with my ovaries. I've spent the night crying and my RE isn't availible till tomorrow. Is there anyone who has any info or advice?