Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Dreams

I just can’t pass by the opportunity to tell you about my dreams the past couple of nights. I have been having very vivid and quite funny dreams over the past 3 nights. Unfortunately I cannot remember the dream from three nights ago but I do remember the last two.

My dream from two nights ago: “Hunting the Creeper”

In this dream my DH and I were hunting the Creeper from Jeeper’s Creepers. You know, the guy to the left. It was almost like we were in an episode of Destination Truth. We were roaming through the woods with various pieces of equipment and a log book that I was using to record sounds that the Creeper might make (very scientific.) We were traveling along a path in the forest where we would stop and camp in a tent. We never did catch the Creeper but the funny part about this dream is that when we wanted to go somewhere to look we would fly! I haven’t had dreams I could fly in years but it was just as fun to fly in this dream as it was when I had flying dreams when I was a child. We never did catch the Creeper but it sure was fun to fly around looking.

My dream from last night: “The Birds and the Old Lady”

This dream was hilarious, probably more funny if you were actually in the dream like me but I will try to explain it the best I can. Dh and I were getting ready to do a play for church (we do a lot of these.) The play was taking place at a high school instead of at our church. This particular play involved a dance routine (we do dance sometime in our plays but not this kind of dancing) that for whatever reason I had not learned in advance. So, I was asking my choir director to please allow me to practice the routine before the play started. She then advised me that she had let loose a bunch of birds in another room and before I could practice the routine I had to go and pick up all of the birds and return them to their cages. (Side Note: I am afraid of captive birds, not the ones outside but the ones people keep in their houses. I would NEVER touch a bird!) I was so upset because apparently my choir director did this as a joke on me. So Dh volunteered to help me find all the birds and return them to their cages. It turned out these birds were teenie tiny birds, like the size of my pinky finger, and they were blue and gold with blue plumes on their heads. I had to search around the room (which had carpet that the birds seemed to blend into) and pick up these birds. When you picked up a bird it would curl up in your hand and sleep like a tiny little cat. They were actually very cute and soft but I still didn’t like picking them up and there were several of them scattered around the room. One by one we returned the little birds to a gold cage in the corner of the room. While we were doing this I happened to be dressed in my “costume” for the play which just happened to be a hot pink sequined tutu! Too bad Dh wasn’t dressed in a tutu also! While we were rounding up the birds an old lady shuffles into the room and begins accusing me of stealing the tutu from her closet. She insists that I went into her closet and stole the outfit and that it was hers and she was going to call the police if I didn’t give it back to her. I tried to explain to her that it is a costume that came in a package (here is where I whipped out the costume package with the picture of the horrid tutu on the front.) She wouldn’t believe me and insisted that it was a vintage outfit and that I stole if from her closet. She was fuming mad and was screaming at me and hitting me with her purse. She threatened to call the police and I said fine because I wasn’t taking the tutu off! Then I woke up.

I have to admit that I am still chuckling about the last one. It had two totally different elements to it. The birds were so so tiny and very cute and soft. They would stand completely still so it wasn’t hard to pick them up and the moment you did they would curl up and sleep. The golden cage seemed small to fit all of the birds but they fit in there and it never did look crowded. They were actually very comforting little birds. It was almost like I was facing a fear and it didn’t turn out to be as bad as I thought. Then it totally switched gears and became hilarious where I noticed I was wearing the horrid pink tutu and the fact that this old lady was insisting it was vintage when it was clearly a cheap Halloween costume. Too funny!

Anyway, and dream interpreters care to take a stab at these?


Erin said...

I am no dream interpreter, but the bird one had me laughing.

Shauna said...

how have you been feeling? hopefully better.

when is your two week wait up? praying for a positive beta.

AwkwardMoments said...

I am not good interpreting dreams - but the bird dream is hilarious

sara said...

That bird dream is so funny! I hope one of the girls is good at dream interpreting!

Evil Stepmonster said...

Being able to fly and control your flying in a dream means that you are feeling in control of a situation. I can't help you with the dream about the birds and the old lady (too funny), but I think birds are a good symbol.

I wonder if its the increased progesterone in our systems - last night I had a dream that I was in a high-rise apartment with Oprah and Teria (So Close blogger) waiting for Jennifer Aniston to give birth!

CAM said...

I often talk to my therapist about my dreams...and some of them are similar. They are both dreams where you are on a mission or journey of some sort - trying to accomplish something that seems tough to do. SOUND FAMILIAR? It seems that is our minds trying to make sense of this very crazy IF journey we are on.
Dream on!!

Shauna said...

FYI - I have been getting a lot of "hate" comments in my blog recently. So I have changed my web address for my blog. If you have my blog linked on your blog roll it will no longer function as I have changed my URL/web address (because my old one had my name on it and I don't want these creeps to be able to find me...). My new URL/web address that will need to be edited in your blog roll is: http://www.infertilityisunfair.blogspot.com/

Thank you
~S (AKA: Thoughts from My Life)