Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I Tested...

So, after a lot of praying and thinking and crying all the way home yesterday I decided to take a test. I held my bladder for two hours and didn't drink anything hoping it would be concentrated enough. I tested again this morning and got the same result...







A BFP!!!

Yup, you are reading that correctly! I was so expecting to see only one line. I peed on the stick, set it on the back of the toilet and then went to do my PIO shot. Then I checked on the test and screamed. Dh was right behind me and I obviously started to cry and scream over and over again telling him "I see two lines!" I thought I was going crazy and wanted the two lines so bad that I was imagining them. But Dh saw them too. We spent a little time crying and then the fear set in. All of the things that could go wrong went through my mind. What if it's another chemical? What if we m/c? What if the test if positive but for some reason the beta is negative or very low. I tested again this morning and got another nice BFP. You can see the two tests side by side here (sorry for the horrible quality of the picture):

I wish I could say that I am just bubbling with excitement (which I am) and that's it but I would be lying. I am terrified! My plan is to take HPTs like they are going out of style until Thursday morning. Then I am going to call my nurse and beg her to move my beta to Friday. I wish I didn't have to tell everyone (that I know in person) so soon but the fact is they all know I get my beta on Monday. So, if I can convince my nurse to switch my beta to Friday then we can tell our mothers on Mother's day. So, please pray that I continue to get positives and that my nurse allows me to move my beta to Friday which will be 10dp6dt which I don't think is too early to get a beta. I'm so scared!


Erin said...

If you get at least 3 positives at home they will let you move the beta up. At least they did for me. You know I am praying for only good things for you. You deserve this!

Meghan said...


You're at SG right? They let me move my beta up based on my HPT's (which weren;t as dark as yours for sure). Fingers crossed for a nice high number for you guys!!

Rachie Pachie said...

YAY! That is so awesome! I've been following your story & am so happy for you & DH!

Congrats! :) What a wonderful Mother's Day gift! ;)

lovesbabyhopes said...

Wow!!! I am SOOOO happy for you! That's amazing!


CJ said...

OMG!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! SEE!!!! You were thinking this cycle didn't work?!! I am so happy for you, I am so scared to test next week, I've had such negative news with thouse HPT's!! Yay, Yay Yay!! I want to be you!!! Congrats!! Keep us posted!! :)

AwkwardMoments said...

Morrissa!!!! I see lots of 2 lines!! Oh i hope they move your beta up. This is great and wonderful news!

Nadine said...

YES! Those look like great positives to me.

nickoletta100 said...

OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!! Congrats!!! I am soooo very happy for you!!!! If I were you I would still tell the moms on Mother's day!

sara said...

Holy freakin crap! That is awesome! Even after my beta at the office, my tests looked just like those, the same brand and all. I have good feelings for you! I hope you get your beta moved up too :-) Hugs, hugs , and more hugs all around!

Shauna said...

congrats! your post made me cry.

My_Herstory said...

YAY FOR BFP'S!!!! Congrats! I'm so so so happy for you! What awesome pic's!!

Princesses in Muddy Puddles said...

Yippee!!! Praying it continues so you can be another "lone embie, it only took one" story! xxoo

Steph said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy you got your BFP!!!